Video Planet Simulator Video

Planet Simulator

261 Joueurs -
android Télécharger
PlanetSim.apk (60,9 Mo)
pc Télécharger
Planet_Orbit_Simulator.rar (76 Mo)

What would happen if you dumped 5000 planets around the Sun?...have fun watching 1000's of planets fight in REAL time for there orbit around the sun. This uses Isaac Newtons Laws Of Gravity for each of the planets.

Langage: English
Planet Simulator
Planet Simulator
Planet Simulator
Planet Simulator
Planet Simulator
Planet Simulator
Commentaires 2
Aide au formatage Aide au formatage 380
Popsan Angel (Niveau 14)

you should show this game in the school. it is incredible good

ronnye (Niveau 16)

great physic work. you should replace the UI, it is totally different from the game

#RPG, #pixel, #VisualNovel
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