Video Hjarta Video


386 Players - 9 Subscribers Subscribers
Hjarta is the Norse word for "heart".
Hjarta is a collection of shortories and a point and click adventure game. It is set in a futuristic world and has three chapters, which you can play in any order you want.
Hjarta is developed with the Adventure Game Studio engine.
Language: English
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iamhere (Level 13) 2016-12-02
great ! watching the first screenshot I was thinking "the big brother is watching you!" XD
LordDestro (Level 8) 2016-09-30
Nice work ! I love this sci-fi theme and the plot ! Very cool !
Jonathan_Fish (Level 16) 2016-08-14
I'm already playing one of your games... This will be the next... Also because they looks like shorts :p
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