Kanzo is a third person hack and slash game, I started making it last year when the pandemic was in its peak. I was also working in a Game Development Studio but my knowledge to using unreal engine was very limited, then I decided to learn Unreal Engine as much as I could, take a lot of courses and study the learning material made some small games and tweak the existing games available on GitHub and other sites. Then I was fascinated by a character available on Unreal marketplace which is a sort of Samurai. I decided to adapt it in my game and get a best out of it. I started writing the ideas of it and then the name came into my mind “KANZO” which mean can do everything. I started making the combat system of Kanzo but failed several times as I had never tried this before, I learned a lot about Anim Notify, montages, animation synchronization and much more, then I tried that approach which ever I learned and implement it step by step. I am a very dirty programmer; my style of working is mainly to make it work and look good. Then I made animation smoother by implementation of certain hit counters and aerial attacks which giver a fast phase gameplay impact and a blend of camera shake make the player to give some fun gameplay vibrations which can motivate the player to slice more enemies. Enemies get aggressive and stronger and stronger as you progress through level at this stage there are 4 main types of enemies (That are not revealed in any video yet).
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This game is in the video about the Top 2 Best Indie Games of July 2022

KANZO Combo System Revamped, Hybrid and Free flow Combat System | Made In Unreal Engine

KANZO Combo System got a major update, now there are two modes for a combat hybrid and free flow inspired from devil may cry and batman
KANZO | Unreal Engine 5, Experimenting with Sequencer | WIP

Just a random video, trying out some features of sequencer and cine-camera, such as focus target, relative offset, camera zoom and much more. Its a first pass of what I am working on, more advanced and polished version will soon be out, once I get a good hands on sequencer.
Rating 9/10 stars for this game. Art style, design, graphic, combat style so good and cool. But there are some bugs that you need to fix it, so this game could be a cool game like cyberpunk 2077 :)