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The Ledge

623 Players - 9 Subscribers Subscribers
Don't play in browser - there is a problem. Please download insteadYou're a Cop who has to talk a Suicidal Man down from a ledge.
Push him too hard and he'll jump, but get him to open up and he'll reveal a terrible secret...
A short narrative thriller based on the short story "Man With A Problem" by Donald Honig (1958). For mature players.
Language: English
The Ledge
The Ledge
The Ledge
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TheBigShow (Level 12) 2017-10-18
I love the games with a great message like this! I hope to see soon new titles like it
Staff Verified (Level 16) 2017-02-25
We added the #indiepad support :) Try this game using your #android smartphone like a gamepad, downloading the indiepad app :)
Branir Rocos (Level 9) 2016-10-05
I hope to see soon a new game made by you ! :D
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