वीडियो Broken Shell वीडियो

Broken Shell

22 खिलाड़ी -

Point and Click


Broken Shell is a cozy, hand-drawn puzzle adventure that takes players on an emotional journey with Mr. and Mrs. Hermit, a crab couple whose peaceful home has been devastated by human expansion. As they navigate love, loss, and hope, players will help them solve meaningful puzzles and overcome challenges to find a new home and rebuild their life together.

भाषा: English
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Broken Shell
Broken Shell
Broken Shell
टिप्पणियां 3
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Marco Sacchetti (स्तर 15)

lo stile grafico è a dir poco pazzesco. mi piacciono molto gli scenari! A tratti mi ha ricordato un libro per bambini! Il gameplay è interessante anche se per ora non mi sembra ci sia nessuna meccanica realmente originale

Coopa (स्तर 12)

This is a piece of art! How many artists on your team?

wikilox (स्तर 11)

recently I played a lot of cozy games! the artworks here are stunning! I am downloading it! Congratulatuons!

सुझाए गए
#RPG, #pixel, #VisualNovel
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