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Took break to focus on my health.
Coma State Eden has been updated!
➥Fixed a bug that caused the game to soft lock if the player died on JeejeeJ.
➥Fixed bug that caused Burai's HP meter (on 1-HP Mode) not to change states to reflect weapon levels, or to change back to normal after triggering Lucid Mode.
➥Fixed bug that caused early appearance of Nightmare HP gauge.
➥Shamiss now has changes to his behaviour so he won't use his counter stance/attack randomly.
➥The Flash Shield (neutral/directional) has had Burai's hitbox adjusted so that he has some more wiggle room when trying to reflect a close volley of projectiles.
➥Neutral Flash Shield's hitbox has been increased to be more viable.
➥The weapon gauge/icons have been upgraded visually.
➥Neutral Flash Shield has been visually improved/more animated.
➥Directional Flash Shield has been visually improved/more animated.
➥Removing instances of code where code wasn't necessary. This engine didn't have good documentation and so many times I was given the incorrect information/intuition about things. As such, I converted more things to code under the impression it would be faster.
➥Removed 12 consistent, redundant objects by combining their functions into other objects, and using variable gauges. Most of these were on the Menu Layer (contains just about all of the HUD related stuff), while a few were on the Stage Scene/layers.
In most normal engines I wouldn't need to do this kind of optimizing but PGMMV is built differently. So it's always a good thing when I can reduce the total object count.
➥Vegetrain had a background object's functions combined into another.
➥VaporWAVesque had a background object's functions combined into another.
➥The spinning coin on Burai's HUD was removed as it was an animation effect. Initially I thought this was low cost on performance but I was made aware that animation effects placed on the menu layer have an increased cost due to the menu layer being the most performance intensive scene in the game (they are displayed even while the engine has to load scenes, for example).
In the next update, these two things will be changed (amongst others):
➥Nafibaks have had their behaviour adjusted to be more consistent and less random.
Some recent footage:

Coma State Eden has been updated once again! This build includes more of the 4th stage, as well as tons of bug fixes, optimizations, and improved visuals/game feel.

New update for CSE! Major changes to the game to optimize resource usage and improve performance for lower end rigs.
Daydream, Normal and Hard now have mid-stage checkpoints!
Tons of bug fixes.

Apparently there was an issue with the last update (the installer wasn't working on other PC's, but was working on mine. It was an issue with the Japanese characters I used in some of the naming schemes.)
Updated to a working installer now. Apologies for any inconveniences!

Just performed a major update to CSE, the game length hasn't been increased, but there have been some major improvements to the game's performance. Especially under the most visually intensive scenarios.
If your PC is on the lower end of graphical fidelity, you'll notice a definite improvement with the new build. It handles co-op play much smoother and there have been various bug fixes and tweaks. You'll also notice a more professional looking installer! (It automatically installs to your C: Drive as the installer was only possible due to using an external plugin for PGMMV).
This page has been almost inactive, I hope to see more traffic/players.
Don't miss out on a one of a kind game, you won't regret your time with CSE.