Let's you create multiple pdfs with different sizes and orientations containing multiple pages. Please test if it's possible on multiple platforms and send feedback. Initial test are ok on Chrome, Firefox and Node-Webkit .
- After feedback from the forum users and hopefully some improvements, i'll push this to Git for everybody to use .
- Actions
- Set Font Size (size)
- Add text (X,Y,Angle,String)
- Add Image (X,Y,width,height,DataUri Type, DataUri string )
- Draw a line (x1,y1,x2,y2)
- Draw a rectangle (X,Y,width,height, style)
- Draw an ellipse (X,Y,rx,ry,style)
- Set text font (font name, font size)
- Save pdf (filename)
- Add page
- Set properties (title,subject,author,keywords,creator)
- Set text color (r,g,b)
- Set stroke color (r,g,b)
- Set fill color (r,g,b)
- New (orientation, unit, format)
कम दिखाएं
the HTML feature doesn't work. Can anyone fix it?