वीडियो Drift Team वीडियो

Drift Team

245 खिलाड़ी -
Drift Team
टिप्पणियां 5
स्वरूपण मदद स्वरूपण मदद 380
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Parzival (स्तर 7)

Fighting versus own shadow

Eugor (स्तर 17)

i don't like it so much. the design is not so clear, I don't know who are the other players, how to earn money and if it's a "fast race" or a tournamente. It's no clear. #makeiteasy

TyrionL (स्तर 15)

Can I play it online at the same time with my friends?

ronnye (स्तर 16)

it needs a restyle.

Karma (स्तर 14)

Nice! Even still few tracks and they are very empty. Upload it directly here, no?

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