
Frostzone Studios


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*WARNING GAME MIGHT HAVE FEW BUGS* fight a bunch of triangular invaders on a galctic battle right on your phone and save the galaxy. (Please leave a comment rating it from 1 through 10 of how good the game is and how I can make it better, and what you liked.) check my out on Ludum Dare 36,Ancient_Artifact) Controls: drag player green triangle by holding player on left click.

I am polishing the game and adding shops, changeable fire rates and firemodes. But I was wondering If I should add levels to the game.?
टिप्पणियां (17)
it needs a huge work. It's just a base.
It's a good start, but you should add also bonus and malus and improve the GUI
Are you continuing it?
if you edit the main menù with no mouse but buttons... you can add the indiepad support ;)
why is it in popular games ?!?! it's so incomplete....
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