hahahahaha! This game is toooo funny! Amazing! 5/5! I love the cinematic when the worm eats you XD. Is it in 3D? My only tip is to replace the bg music. You should use something in 8 or 16 bit. It will create a perfect style! Very very nice! Your best game!
nice movements and nice style. The 3d cinematics are not the best part, but it is good.
This game is in the video about the Top 4 Indie Games of September 2021

hahahahaha! This game is toooo funny! Amazing! 5/5! I love the cinematic when the worm eats you XD. Is it in 3D? My only tip is to replace the bg music. You should use something in 8 or 16 bit. It will create a perfect style! Very very nice! Your best game!