Magnus Opus खेलें

Magnus Opus

311 खिलाड़ी -
को प्रकाशित: 30-08-2016

आर्केड गेम


Grog has spent his lifetime working on his greatest creation, the wheel. Prepared to showcase his craftsmanship to the others, he was surprised to learn a storm the other night had created a new phenomenon, fire. With everyone distracted with the incredible and warm miracle, no one will give Grog's wheel any attention. Make things right.
Created for the #LDJAM ! Enjoy!
भाषा: English
Magnus Opus
Magnus Opus
टिप्पणियां 2
स्वरूपण मदद स्वरूपण मदद 380
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Cantex76 (स्तर 7) 2016-10-14
funny idea ! :D good game !
Mente77 (स्तर 8) 2016-09-28
can you add a gameplay about it ?
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