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BBads (स्तर 11) 2018-04-09
are you making a new game for indiepad?
Luis (स्तर 17) 2018-01-27
Easy and intuitive to play. Nice colours, like a modern retro game. I follow
BBads (स्तर 11) 2018-01-05
very funny. A nice idea and several stages. good work! I like also the simply style used!
Marco Sacchetti (स्तर 14) 2017-12-10
sei entrato nella lista dei giochi popolari bravo un bel gioco
indiexpo Addons (स्तर 13) 2017-11-29
You can find this game also on our new extension/ #addon on your own Browser.
Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/free-games/gechcfjojodafcpggkekfkkfpjacenno
Mozilla/Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/indie-games/
Opera: https://addons.opera.com/it/extensions/details/free-games-2/
Click and Play!
Popsan Angel (स्तर 13) 2017-11-18
very very nice idea! and the retro effects are cool!
Staff सत्यापित (स्तर 16) 2017-11-16
Sorry, we have to remove the #indiepad feature from your game. The players have to play it without the mouse, to add this game in the indiepad list. You can add again this extra feature if you fix it. :)
the ugly truth (स्तर 11) 2017-11-10
The game is nice, but it can be great. First point: if I use the indiepad, I cann't use it in the main menu. In the menu I can use only the mouse. Fix it please. The same thing when I select the level. If I use the indiepad, I don't want to use the mouse. And if you want to turn this game from great in to AMAZING, you can add also the second, third and fourth player
Freank सत्यापित (स्तर 18) 2017-11-10
I discovered it! I saw it on reddit. It's developed very good!
franco999 (स्तर 14) 2017-11-10
Great work! If I played it in October, I made a video about it for Halloween! It's not so easy when you play it for the first time, but then you understand how to win and it's very funny.
TheBigShow (स्तर 12) 2017-11-09
You had an amazing idea. Very original. 5stars. I hope to see soon new titles made by you!
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