वीडियो Soul Shifter वीडियो

Soul Shifter

376 खिलाड़ी - 8 सदस्य सदस्य
This game was created during #LDJAM .
As a reaper of souls you've decided it's time to purify the heretic people from the kingdom.
Enjoy this epic journey and leave no one behind.
LD Page: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-35/?action=preview&uid=7828
भाषा: English
Soul Shifter
Soul Shifter
Soul Shifter
Soul Shifter
टिप्पणियां 4
स्वरूपण मदद स्वरूपण मदद 380
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DiegoGramicciol सत्यापित (स्तर 18) 2022-08-25
Very funny game!
Luis (स्तर 17) 2018-02-20
Funny gameplay
Nium (स्तर 9) 2016-07-13
oh ! Great game !
The Crazy (स्तर 8) 2016-07-13
OMG! It's very nice ! Amazing ! Did you continue it ?
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