Spacetime Shifters खेलें

Spacetime Shifters

338 खिलाड़ी -
A space shoot em up with the hability to slow time. I was done in less than 72 hours by 2 people during the #LDJAM.
भाषा: English
Spacetime Shifters
Spacetime Shifters
Spacetime Shifters
Spacetime Shifters
टिप्पणियां 3
स्वरूपण मदद स्वरूपण मदद 380
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Ura (स्तर 8) 2016-09-27
it's perfect to play it online ! Good work !
Faruk (स्तर 7) 2016-04-22
it sometime lags on my pc :/
Gianus (स्तर 8) 2016-04-22
is it multiplayer ?
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