Walker खेलें


283 खिलाड़ी - 4 सदस्य सदस्य
को प्रकाशित: 11-05-2016

आर्केड गेम


Made for the Ludum Dare 35 Jam (72 hours) #LDJAM
भाषा: English
टिप्पणियां 10
स्वरूपण मदद स्वरूपण मदद 380
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colejones0888 (स्तर 3) 2022-04-15
this is cute!
Jonathan_Fish (स्तर 16) 2016-08-14
Bad. Watching the screenshots I think"wow nice style"... And the style is good... But there is a big problem: the controls. Move the chara's fastly is impossible. I live the cute style of the game... But you should also care the game design. This can be a very nice game ( I dream a survival game in this style) but the controls make this game hard to play... :(
RedLine (स्तर 9) 2016-06-24
can i use my gamepad ?
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