Mainkan Jingle Gates

Jingle Gates

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Dipublikasikan tanggal: 25/01/2022


Rpg Maker VX ACE

[ENG] Jingle Gates is a Christmas puzzle game made in 24 hours, where you build gates and use chimneys to move around! ...Fazey is told that Santa is evil and wants to steal his sweets, so he goes around the house to stop him! Discover if those stories are true!
Bahasa: Italiano, English
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DiegoGramicciol Terverifikasi (Tingkat 19) 2022-06-23
Io amo il natale!!!
come si fa a fare sia il gioco in italiano che in inglese?
franco999 (Tingkat 15) 2022-01-28
stile semplice e classico. Gli alberi a tema natalizio li hai personalizzati tu? non le ho mai trovate quelle risorse grafiche in giro
Eugor (Tingkat 17) 2022-01-26
But Christmas is over
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