Video Orbox B: Rebirth Video

Orbox B: Rebirth

112 Pemain -
Linux Unduh (101 MB)
pc Unduh (106 MB)
Situs Web
Dipublikasikan tanggal: 16/02/2020



Guide Orbox between blocks to solve various types of puzzles. Good challenge and fun gameplay. A lot of game mechanics. A lot of levels. Level editor to build and share your own levels. Sci-fi story.
Game also available on mobile - Android, iOS.
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Orbox B: Rebirth
Orbox B: Rebirth
Orbox B: Rebirth
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cradth (Tingkat 15) 2020-06-26
Love the visuals and the gameplay too! Cool character portraits! :)
lucyinthespace (Tingkat 16) 2020-02-16
I played a game like this a lot of time ago on an old windows 95
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