Situs Web Dipublikasikan tanggal 26/06/2019 Demo Aksi Stencyl 화살방향키는 이동입니다. 윗쪽화살키는 점프 와 벽점프 입니다.The arrow keys are moves. The upper arrow keys are jump and wall jump.#stencyl #MadeInStencyl Bahasa: English, 한국어 Berita 5 Bug fixes, new level uploads
JEntertaiment (Tingkat 12) 2022-05-01 I have played this and has cool game. More levels pls. Bantuan formatting Anda menulis Anda melihat *Miring* Miring **Tebal** Tebal #Tagar #Tagar @Profil @Profil - Buah 1- Buah 2- Buah 3 - Buah 1- Buah 2- Buah 3 || Beberan || Beberan 380 Now Loading...
Agent44 (Tingkat 14) 2019-07-17 대박 Bantuan formatting Anda menulis Anda melihat *Miring* Miring **Tebal** Tebal #Tagar #Tagar @Profil @Profil - Buah 1- Buah 2- Buah 3 - Buah 1- Buah 2- Buah 3 || Beberan || Beberan 380 Now Loading...
TheBeast (Tingkat 11) 2019-07-10 can you add more screenshots? Bantuan formatting Anda menulis Anda melihat *Miring* Miring **Tebal** Tebal #Tagar #Tagar @Profil @Profil - Buah 1- Buah 2- Buah 3 - Buah 1- Buah 2- Buah 3 || Beberan || Beberan 380 Now Loading...
GreenGolia (Tingkat 9) 2019-07-02 add more sprites animations Bantuan formatting Anda menulis Anda melihat *Miring* Miring **Tebal** Tebal #Tagar #Tagar @Profil @Profil - Buah 1- Buah 2- Buah 3 - Buah 1- Buah 2- Buah 3 || Beberan || Beberan 380 Now Loading...
Gatsu87 (Tingkat 15) 2019-06-29 Made with stancyl and online? It's the first time Bantuan formatting Anda menulis Anda melihat *Miring* Miring **Tebal** Tebal #Tagar #Tagar @Profil @Profil - Buah 1- Buah 2- Buah 3 - Buah 1- Buah 2- Buah 3 || Beberan || Beberan 380 Now Loading...
I have played this and has cool game. More levels pls.
can you add more screenshots?
add more sprites animations
Made with stancyl and online? It's the first time