Video Wizards, Battle Arena Video

Wizards, Battle Arena

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Wizards_Launcher.jar (44,9 KB)
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Wizards_Launcher.exe (40,5 MB)
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Dipublikasikan tanggal: 20/01/2019

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Wizards is a spiritual successor to Arcanists (by Jagex). It has online multiplayer and weekly releases with new spells, game modes and more.
Bahasa: English
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Wizards, Battle Arena
Wizards, Battle Arena
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Stre93 (Tingkat 15) 2019-01-22
dot jar? is it in java?
TyrionL (Tingkat 15) 2019-01-22
a very good idea. Are you inspired by Worms?
RealTidus (Tingkat 15) 2019-01-20
screenshots please
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