Aventures Dans Le Systèmeをプレイする

Aventures Dans Le Système

Bot all that much of a game, but you can at least walk around and look at bleeding edge 1902 special effects!
This was made in 48 hours during the Ludum Dare 36 compo. #LDJAM
Click to move and interact.
言語: English
Aventures Dans Le Système
Aventures Dans Le Système
Aventures Dans Le Système
コメント数 4
フォーマットに関してのヘルプ フォーマットに関してのヘルプ 380
Mayer (レベル 9) 2020-12-18
I suggest to add as new tag also #movie
Fellowplayer (レベル 23) 2018-01-05
An interesting make on a monochrome game and something from the 50's. I like it.
Sekayo (レベル 12) 2017-04-24
woooooow :O
Carir (レベル 10) 2016-09-02
inspired by Le Voyage dans la lune ?
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