Brotherly lightをプレイする

Brotherly light

629 利用者 -
web ダウンロード ダウンロード
pc ダウンロード
Brotherly_Light.rar (21MB)
Puzzle hotseat CooP game situated in old Mayan Zikkurat. Two brothers must cooperate to deliver light beam to the certain crystals using their bracelet.
Jumping: First player must hold down the jump/throw key, second player then come next to him and hold down jump/throw key as well, then the first player release the jump/throw button
言語: English
Brotherly light
Brotherly light
Brotherly light
Brotherly light
コメント数 1
フォーマットに関してのヘルプ フォーマットに関してのヘルプ 380
Staff 確認済み (レベル 17) 2016-08-30
If you upload the zip of your HTML5 game, it can be played here, easily and fastly :)
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