Code Shiftをプレイする

Code Shift


Pc white ダウンロード External link
Pegi16 Over 250 downloads
Developed for Ludum Dare 35.
This is a game about running a decryption agency, taking contracts to decrypt codes. You can work individually at decrypting or hire staff and even computers to work with you.
Due to the limited time frame that the game was developed, optimisation is currently quite poor, apologies.
Have Fun!
言語: English
Code Shift
Code Shift
Code Shift
コメント数 2
フォーマットに関してのヘルプ フォーマットに関してのヘルプ 380
Jonathan_Fish (レベル 16) 2016-08-15
The idea is nice... But you should improve the design and the graphics
Gianus (レベル 8) 2016-04-22
The ui is too simple....
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