

73 利用者 -
Creta is a game made for Game Maker Italia's TERROROCTOBER jam 2020, heavily inspired by a movie called "The Navidson Record". For instructions on how to play, take a look at the readme inside the .rar archive.
言語: English
コメント数 6
フォーマットに関してのヘルプ フォーマットに関してのヘルプ 380
Paul (レベル 6) 2021-08-28
Really creepy
YouTube Gameplay
DragonExplosion (レベル 4) 2021-08-02

YouTube Gameplay
Here's the video of my gameplay of Creta. My thoughts are written in the comment below. :)
A true horror maze experience.
DragonExplosion (レベル 4) 2021-08-02
Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. If you like my videos, please leave a like and subscribe at my channel.
I really liked the style of the game and how well the horrifying atmosphere was constructed but I felt that the controls could have been directly listed at the start and maybe more information given to the player so that they know what to look for.
THEKLINGONGAMER (レベル 1) 2021-07-31

YouTube Gameplay
NOT BAD NOT TOO SCARY .... Liked the sound effects and that monster....
Fellowplayer (レベル 24) 2020-10-28
Woow, good place to put it too. Excellent Scare. What is that? A horse?
YouTuber: Fellowplayer -
YouTube Gameplay
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