FOSをプレイする プレイ </> 埋め込み
FOS is a game about exploration, challenge and the power of light.
言語: English, Espanol
コメント数 4
フォーマットに関してのヘルプ フォーマットに関してのヘルプ 380
Drifterthorn (レベル 7) 2019-03-03
I really love this game. It was hard and fun to play. I love the idea of this game.
YouTube Gameplay
Kira (レベル 10) 2019-02-16
great idea. the light effect is perfect
Boruto (レベル 6) 2019-02-09
i am blocked at level 5.
Freank 確認済み (レベル 18) 2019-02-08
just played. nice idea and great design. and it's made during a #ggj! So hard to find a good idea like this in so few time. Congratulation guys!
動画 FOS 動画
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indiepad Games