動画 Freud's Bones-the game  動画

Freud's Bones-the game

356 利用者 -

Axel Fox92

pc ダウンロード
Demo_Freud's_Bones_thegame.rar (42.8MB)
PEGI Over 250 downloads Over 25 Subscribers
Freud's Bones-the game
Freud's Bones-the game
Freud's Bones-the game
コメント数 21
フォーマットに関してのヘルプ フォーマットに関してのヘルプ 380
Stre93 (レベル 15)

The style of the game now is very different! A lot of new details and the animations and graphics are very detailed! An amazing upgrade!

Tyrion (レベル 11)

When I started to follow this project I was not so sure to see it complete and to see progress. But now I am very happy to say that I was wrong. Congratulation. I played it again, your team is amazing and the idea behind this game is great! Good luck! 5/5

Spike (レベル 1)

Completed, amazing project! I hope this can inspire other developers to make games about important historical characters. Good luck!

ronnye (レベル 16)

How is going on?

Frezz (レベル 10)

Any news about an update?

#RPG, #pixel, #VisualNovel
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