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How i Conquered your Planet

トッププレーヤー: Anorak トッププレーヤー トッププレーヤー
Join the first Martian colonist and build the first of many human cities on Martian soil!
Build, expand, and defend yourself from the Martians while kindly asking them, with force, to vacate your new planet.
言語: English
ニュース ニュース 2
Added the new challenge mode 'Martian Takeover!' where you'll have to survive wave after wave of alien zombies! Why not take advantage and train up for the upcoming challenge? The challenge starts tomorrow so be ready!
挑戦  挑戦:  Martian Takeover 
How i Conquered your Planet
How i Conquered your Planet
How i Conquered your Planet
コメント数 5
フォーマットに関してのヘルプ フォーマットに関してのヘルプ 380
SalOen 新着 (レベル 5) 2024-11-21
It's a little bit confusing to understand how to play it. You have to focus all your self during the tutorial
Best IndieGames (レベル 18) 2024-11-09
This game is in the video about the Top 3 Best Indie Games – October 2024

YouTube Gameplay
Freank 確認済み (レベル 18) 2024-10-31
Sono un amente dei giochi strategici. Trovo questo titolo però un pò "complesso". Io sono abituato a giocare giochi strategici molto semplici (come i primi AOE e Rome Total War) e come giochi Defend the Tower a titoli ancora più semplici giocabili online. Per questo motivo trovo alcune cose sono poco intuitive, come il capire come connettere le cose e cosa produce cosa. E' sviluppato con molto impegno e mi piace. Però penso possa essere semplificato per dare il meglio di se!
NekoNekoChan (レベル 8) 2024-10-13
I played this game during the afternoon. You should improve the tutorial, adding something like "step 1, step 2, etc" and to add huge arrows where to click. It wasn't so clear. The game is good but it's very hard to understand how to play it
Hyperionzo (レベル 4) 2024-10-09
molto simpatico come gioco, lo raccomando per gli amanti del genere
動画 How i Conquered your Planet 動画
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