動画 Sparky's Hunt 2 動画

Sparky's Hunt 2

358 利用者 -


pc ダウンロード
Sparky's_Hunt_2_Demo.rar (131MB)
PEGI Over 250 downloads
Sparky and her followers will hunt you down both in your home and her home, she seems to understand you don't know what she wants which is why she will be merciful, but only to a point. To exist in your world each one has an Enchantment randomly hidden across your home, you need to find them and seal them back into their world.
言語: English
Sparky's Hunt 2
Sparky's Hunt 2
Sparky's Hunt 2
コメント数 2
フォーマットに関してのヘルプ フォーマットに関してのヘルプ 380
carlsen (レベル 5) 2018-09-16
There are a lot of difference between your first games and your latest. You skills now are amazing
Freank 確認済み (レベル 19) 2017-06-29
hey fellow! Do you use discord?
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