Tank VS Zombiesをプレイする プレイ プレイ </> 埋め込み

Tank VS Zombies


Over 500 downloads
The rules: destroy every zombie! Use the keys WASD to control the tank and the mouse to move the target and shot. Each wave contains more enemies.
言語: English
Tank VS Zombies
コメント数 4
フォーマットに関してのヘルプ フォーマットに関してのヘルプ 380
nezir (レベル 6) 2018-10-08
super game!
Jonathan_Fish (レベル 16) 2016-08-16
the description is very short XD
Kamaji (レベル 11) 2014-08-24
Many thanks! I\'m agree with you: the game is poor of elements.
I\'ll try to follow your suggestion (I\'m working on other prototypes and the time for old projects is not enought)
Marius (レベル 14) 2014-08-22
very nice !
But you can improve it !
Add more elements on the ground, different shots and more life ^^
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