動画 TLOR: The Lost Remnants 動画

TLOR: The Lost Remnants

117 利用者 -


ダウンロード ダウンロード
_The_Legend_of_Relic_The_Lost_Remnants_Demo.exe (249MB)
This is the Prequel to The Legend of Relic. It is a completely different game.
Glance into Relic's past, and uncover the secrets of his origin.
Embark to unfurl the great mysteries of Avenasia.
Know the forbidden truth of what has yet to come.
Prepare yourself.
言語: English
TLOR: The Lost Remnants
TLOR: The Lost Remnants
TLOR: The Lost Remnants
TLOR: The Lost Remnants
TLOR: The Lost Remnants
コメント数 0
フォーマットに関してのヘルプ フォーマットに関してのヘルプ 380
+20 Points
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