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34 플레이어 - 6 구독자 구독자
Phil is an adventurer who visits the most remote places on earth. On one of his trips he met alien creatures who promised him to conquer the world. Help Phil save the planet!
The game was created in collaboration with Masterx125: @Masterx125">
언어: English
새로운 기능 새로운 기능 2
please submit your reviews here in the comments so that we could improve the game
댓글 8
서식 도움 서식 도움 380
로딩 중...
로딩 중...
SEICO (레벨 8) 2020-06-18
please submit your reviews here in the comments so that we could improve the game
Myrkvidr (레벨 14) 2020-06-16
i would suggest having th character move a little faster or be more responsive. there is a delay when tryin to move. also WASD should be an option for moving the character. the one hit and die mechanic is frustrating also. The music is cool
SEICO (레벨 8) 2020-06-01
please submit your reviews here in the comments so that we could improve the game
SEICO (레벨 8) 2020-05-26
please submit your reviews here in the comments so that we could improve the game
lollo07 (레벨 3) 2020-05-26
nice game
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