비디오 Dungeon of Zaar 비디오

Dungeon of Zaar

339 플레이어 -


pc 다운로드
PC_DOZ.zip (91.4메가바이트)
PEGI Over 250 downloads
Now on #kickstarter here >http://bit.ly/kszaar
Fantasy Strategy turn based game. Battle through the ancient Dungeon of Zaar, build your team of mercenaries, and claim the Throne!
언어: Francais
Dungeon of Zaar
Dungeon of Zaar
Dungeon of Zaar
Dungeon of Zaar
댓글 16
서식 도움 서식 도움 380
로딩 중...
로딩 중...
Fellowplayer (레벨 24) 2018-01-05
Any single play option planned?
Branir Rocos (레벨 10) 2016-11-05
3/5 because it's only multiplayer D:
Stre93 (레벨 15) 2016-11-03
no single player ?
Eugor (레벨 17) 2016-11-02
Awesome and very good looking game! Good luck, guys!
cema12 (레벨 9) 2016-10-25
추천 목록
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