비디오 Happiness 비디오


49 플레이어 -


pc 다운로드
Happiness.zip (21메가바이트)
댓글 3
서식 도움 서식 도움 380
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Fleurman (레벨 16)

A great and lucid piece of work ! That is a sad truth for a big part of humanity, but we can still play it like I do in real life (more or less), doing neither work nor spending, just fooling & jumping around and finding happiness in such simple things as the funny physics of the chain or the nice day/night animation until the inevitable death ! The accumulating tombstone is a nice touch.

Freank 인증됨 (레벨 19)

Did you never see this video? XD

YouTube Gameplay
playing your game is not possible to ignore it :)

Yahoo (레벨 15)

i don't like it so much. very repetitive. no bonus, no malus. just going left and right.

추천 목록
#RPG, #pixel, #VisualNovel
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