비디오 Shawy Adventures 비디오

Shawy Adventures

783 플레이어 -
pc 다운로드
ShawyAdventures_0048.exe (48.2메가바이트)
osx 다운로드
ShawyAdventures_0048.zip (49.8메가바이트)

Shawy Adventures is a Retro Action Platformer inspired on the early Game Boy games.
Help Shawy with his first adventure, recover the stolen sacred stones and became rich and famous.
A prototype demo is available for download for Windows, Mac and Linux (64bit).

Shawy Adventures
Shawy Adventures
Shawy Adventures
댓글 10
서식 도움 서식 도움 380
로딩 중...
로딩 중...
TheBigShow (레벨 13)

I love this retro style! great game! Completed! I follow it for the next version!

RealTidus (레벨 15)

I like the style of this game! Like a GameBoy title! Can I play it also online?

Sekayo (레벨 13)

is it your first game? Amazing!

Amir (레벨 15)

Oh! It's a very 8-bit game! Congratulations! Nice!

the ugly truth (레벨 12)

News during the first April. . Bad idea XD

추천 목록
#RPG, #pixel, #VisualNovel
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