비디오 Superstarfighter  비디오


335 플레이어 -
Linux 다운로드
superstarfighter-v0.6.3-linux.zip (73.5메가바이트)
osx 다운로드
superstarfighter.dmg (76.8메가바이트)
pc 다운로드
superstarfighter-v0.6.3-windows.zip (71.8메가바이트)
Superstarfighter is a league in which 5 species (currently), bring their own view to the galaxy. It is a “sportive competition”. Every game mode is a different “sport” as it was Olympic Games. The idea is that every species bring a “sport” they are passionate about it. The first species who win 3 matches win.
언어: English
댓글 7
서식 도움 서식 도움 380
로딩 중...
로딩 중...
RalphW (레벨 9) 2019-11-21
100 players! Congratulations!
JawsOP (레벨 12) 2019-11-09
The lights effects are great!
franco999 (레벨 15) 2019-09-18
Are you continuing it? It looks very great but I see just one news.
DiesIrae (레벨 11) 2019-08-13
it has so many different ways to play it! great! still a demo? wow.
TheBeast (레벨 11) 2019-07-10
great animations and perfect effects! I'm playing it! 4/5
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