Xbox controller
movement = L-analog
Attack = x
Draw sword = y
Pickup item = a
Use item = D-pad left
Shoot bow = L-bumper
Use shield = R-bumper
Throw bomb = B
Dash = L-trigger
Inventory = back button
Pause menu = start button
Keyboard controls
movement = WASD
Attack = left-click
Draw sword = z
Pickup item = e
Use item = 1
Shoot bow = right-click
Use shield = Q
Throw bomb = R
Dash = L-shift
Inventory = i
Pause menu = Esc
No news?
This game is in the video about the Top 7 Indie Games of March 2017

No background music? It looks very nice. Great animations and design. How is it long this demo? Can you talk about the plot ?
A RPG made with game maker.... Why did you use it and no RPG maker?
the video link seems to be broken. not sure if its on indiexpos side, but i'm trying to work it out.