Tubopac을(를) 하다


516 플레이어 -


pc 다운로드 다운로드
PEGI Over 500 downloads



Tubopac is a remake of Oil's Well (Commodore 64, Sierra On-Line, 1983, by Thomas J. Mitchell). The game was created for Retro Remakes 2006 Competition, where we obtained 12th place and Judge's Spot Prize.
Tubopac is 100% freeware.

언어: English
댓글 8
서식 도움 서식 도움 380
로딩 중...
로딩 중...
RealTidus (레벨 15)

broken link. can you fix it?

Jonathan_Fish (레벨 17)

page not found D:

gameplay_extreme (레벨 8)

ah! siete italiani!, non avevo capito...

gameplay_extreme (레벨 8)

Won the easy difficulty, I try also the "inferno" difficulty!!: is very hard...I'm about to try the intermediate skill level!

gameplay_extreme (레벨 8)

very similar to \"Ant Eater\"

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