Website Gepubliceerd op 22/08/2018 Compleet Overige Other 訪れた者に「死の呪い」をかけるという呪われた霊園。そこに、肝試しに訪れた主人公たちにこの世のものとは思えない恐怖が待ち構えていた・・・。あなたは生きて、この霊園を出る事が出来るだろうか? #horror Taal: 日本語
Kaen999 (Level 20) 2019-12-06 Please, can you translate to English? I want to play and understand the plot too Hulp bij opmaken Je typt Je ziet *Cursief* Cursief **Dikgedrukt** Dikgedrukt #Hashtag #Hashtag @Profiel @Profiel - Item 1- Item 2- Item 3 - Item 1- Item 2- Item 3 || Spoiler || Spoiler 380 Now Loading...
mazzutakgame (Level 16) 2018-08-24 wow! great artwork, that's a pity the game write in japanese only. you think make a possible English translation? great JOB! Hulp bij opmaken Je typt Je ziet *Cursief* Cursief **Dikgedrukt** Dikgedrukt #Hashtag #Hashtag @Profiel @Profiel - Item 1- Item 2- Item 3 - Item 1- Item 2- Item 3 || Spoiler || Spoiler 380 Now Loading...
Please, can you translate to English? I want to play and understand the plot too
wow! great artwork, that's a pity the game write in japanese only. you think make a possible English translation? great JOB!