Gepubliceerd op 11/08/2018 Compleet Point en Click Construct 2 How many taps in 30/60/90 seconds? Show your skills! Playable on #mobile or also on #pc using the mouse. It supports the #score system to show who will be the best clicker! Taal: English
o0JackTheRipper0o (Level 11) 2021-11-28 Simple, but funny. Hulp bij opmaken Je typt Je ziet *Cursief* Cursief **Dikgedrukt** Dikgedrukt #Hashtag #Hashtag @Profiel @Profiel - Item 1- Item 2- Item 3 - Item 1- Item 2- Item 3 || Spoiler || Spoiler 380 Now Loading...
Fellowplayer (Level 24) 2018-08-11 Simple but good for my leader board part :P Hulp bij opmaken Je typt Je ziet *Cursief* Cursief **Dikgedrukt** Dikgedrukt #Hashtag #Hashtag @Profiel @Profiel - Item 1- Item 2- Item 3 - Item 1- Item 2- Item 3 || Spoiler || Spoiler 380 Now Loading...
Simple, but funny.
Simple but good for my leader board part :P