Speel WTC 2 : The Spy

WTC 2 : The Spy

131 Spelers -


pc Linux Downloaden
WelcomeToChichester2-PartI-102.00-pc.zip (408 MB)



The sequel to WTC Redux/1. Having trouble adjusting to your new location, your rival takes drastic action to bring you back to your sense, whilst an over-eager tourist guide wants nothing more than to show you the local sights.
This is now the full game with extra achievements
#wtc #chichester #visualnovel #comedy #drama

Taal: English
WTC 2 : The Spy
WTC 2 : The Spy
WTC 2 : The Spy
WTC 2 : The Spy
WTC 2 : The Spy
WTC 2 : The Spy
Reacties 3
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kalindor (Level 14)

Very good visual novel! what means #chichester ?

Kiko90 (Level 11)

Why your games look always the same?

Triority (Level 9)

Let me know if you want any more trivia about the games !

#RPG, #pixel, #VisualNovel
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