Wideo Imscared Wideo


1425 Graczy -
pc Pobierz
Imscared.exe (3,14 MB)
pc Pobierz
Imscared.exe (3,13 MB)
"I need a Heart in order to open it"
Utilizza il primo link di download per scaricare la versione italiana.
Use the second download link to get Imscared in english.
Język: English
Komentarze 15
Formatowanie Formatowanie 380
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DiegoGramicciol Zweryfikowano (Poziom 18) 2022-09-13
Gioco fenomenale!!!
Raytherat (Poziom 1) 2020-06-06
I love this game so much. It's probably my favorite horror game I've ever played mainly cause it's unique! There is really nothing like it!
guerriero24 (Poziom 5) 2020-01-05
I always loved this game
Aech (Poziom 6) 2019-11-07
the king of the #creepypasta games
franco999 (Poziom 14) 2018-12-04
why did you add two files with the same name? what's the difference?
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