It's a classic turn-based RPG with an enigmatic campaign mode, based on One Piece manga. The Story tells about adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a young boy whose body gains the properties of rubber and his diverse crew of pirates. Luffy explores the ocean in search of the world's ultimate treasure known as One Piece in order to become the next Pirate King.
Język: EnglishAktualności 2OP - WAR OF THRONES Platinum v4.14 is out! --- + Continue bug fix (Party always reset to SHP) + Cards Album - Reset Event fix + Cards Album - Cards color fix + Marines - Cards Type orbs fix + Memory RAM optimized + EXP & Prize balance + Zoro Costume fix + Hint for unlockable treasure chest + Cards Fusion recipe fix (Burgess, Brook, Summon, etc) + Ancient Chests...