Evil Seal is a pc game with a story inspired by S.John’s Apocalypse.
It’s an survival horror: players will find themselves in a post- apocalyptic setting and in order to survive they will be forced to use many different defense weapons against a demonic and supernatural army.
It is available on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1516940/Evil_Seal/
fare un tutorial di guida in una prova a tempo con palazzi che crollano è una ottima idea, macchina instabile e i pali che qualcuno potrebbe urlare "I CAZZO DI PALI" fa molto ridere , mi piace l'idea che quando ti fai male poi inizi a vedere tutto un pò sminchiato come succede nei resident evil , il gioco mi sta piacendo
On Wednesday I uploaded my Let's Play for this game. It was requested by a user known as Luca. The game itself definitely needs some polish, but I've seen far worse.

Good, but it looks a lot like so many other zombie-games FPS
I try to play this game and this game is good, not bad. Here it is the video ->

That's pretty horrific.