Video The Silent Lookout Video

The Silent Lookout

583 Jogadores - 0 Inscritos Inscritos
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Publicado em: 30/08/2016



Discover ancient machines that manipulate the very world around you.
(Mouse scroll wheel required)
Made by @AndrewFM, @shahan, and @abstractx_x
For those who rather watch than play:
YouTube Gameplay
Idioma: English
The Silent Lookout
The Silent Lookout
Comentários 5
Ajuda de formatação Ajuda de formatação 380
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Staff Validada (Nível 16) 2016-09-09
Your game is in "Ludum Dare Games" Video :
YouTube Gameplay
Staff Validada (Nível 16) 2016-09-09
Your game is in "Ludum Dare Games" Video :
YouTube Gameplay
Cange (Nível 8) 2016-09-04
voted on the ludum dare! nice work !
Feih (Nível 8) 2016-08-30
great ! This is the perfect game for the VR
shahan (Nível 3) 2016-08-30
The concept of this was sort of inspired by Dragon Ball Z's Kami's Lookout
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