Опубликовано 07/12/2024 Minigame Логические/Паззлы Unity Slide the screen to combine balls with the same number! The goal is to create 2048. We changed the theme of the existing 2048 video game to billiards and added special events. How many numbers can you make? Языки: 한국어
SalOen (Уровень 11) 2024-12-08 In the game there are Korean writes. The game looks in English but you selected Korean as language Помощь в форматировании текста Bведя это Bы получите *Kурсив* Kурсив **Жирный** Жирный #Хештег #Хештег @Профиль @Профиль - Пункт 1- Пункт 2- Пункт 3 - Пункт 1- Пункт 2- Пункт 3 || Спойлер || Спойлер 380 Загрузка...
In the game there are Korean writes. The game looks in English but you selected Korean as language