Видео Euclidean Space Видео

Euclidean Space

497 Игроков -


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Euclidean_Space.zip (1,4 МБ)
PEGI Over 250 downloads
Опубликовано 04/10/2011



Collect stars with your spaceship around a geometrical space and avoid meteorites. Launch the spaceship from the planets using the <space> key.You'll need precision, sense of timing, ability and a bit of luck. [Winner of the 1 Button Game Competition in the Italian GM Community]
Языки: English
Euclidean Space
Euclidean Space
Euclidean Space
Комментарии 5
Помощь в форматировании текста Помощь в форматировании текста 380
Staff Подтверждено (Уровень 17) 2016-10-28
Video Gameplay about this game
YouTube Gameplay
Jonathan_Fish (Уровень 17) 2016-08-17
very nice idea and design ! it's developed in the 2011... but it can be perfect for a mobile game !
wuf (Уровень 1) 2014-06-22
Nice idea to remove < and > keys!
Apo (Уровень 6) 2012-04-06
Megaupload link has been removed. Could you upload it again?
Marius (Уровень 16) 2012-01-03
Questo gioco dagli screen mi attira proprio molto... sto già scaricando... <br />Il fatto è che non capisco come mai in molti dei giochi fatti dagli inglesi su questo sito e con questo tool (penso gamemaker) trascurino le scritte, non mettendoci ne effetti carini ne sfondi o animazioni.
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