Играть в Kitsune Quest

Kitsune Quest

722 Игроков -
pc Скачать
KitsuneQuest_Data.zip (19,5 МБ)
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KitsuneQuestMac.zip (32,3 МБ)
Kitsune Quest
Kitsune Quest
Kitsune Quest
Комментарии 5
Помощь в форматировании текста Помощь в форматировании текста 380
Jonathan_Fish (Уровень 17)

too confused... the fog is too "strong"

Glask66 (Уровень 6)

it's too confused and the ui it's not so good...

Marius (Уровень 16)

i don't like it. It lags. The face of the geisha is ugly. The gameplay is boring and the ui is not so good.

Gatsu87 (Уровень 15)

cool ! i'm downloading ! i love the games about the japane... :D

Faruk (Уровень 7)

Wow ! Can you add a gameplay video ? It look like amazing...

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