Occulto is an indie adventure game with a focus on artistic hand-drawn visuals and a non verbal game play.
It is being developed by two fans of the genre. This is our very first game and we want to create an artistic adventure game, with challenging riddles, hand drawn scenes, animations and original soundtracks.
The whole game is under development, and its release will be approximately on the end of 2025 or the first months of 2026. Please be patient, this is a truly indie game! :)
You will guide Eliot, a young apprentice of magic, through riddles, mysteries, traps and help him find his teacher who has mysteriously disappeared.
An evil Presence is looking for a powerful book which is in the possession of the teacher.
premessa: ho visto solo il video (per ora). Aspetto artistico notevole. Obiettivo su kickstarter non facile da raggiungere per un gioco di questo genere, ma penso abbia tutte le carte in regola per farcela. Il tasto del download riporta ad una ricerca su google, andrebbe sistemato. Intanto seguo. poi ripasso tra un pò per scaricarlo! buona fortuna! Mi fa tornare in mente i vecchi giochi della lucasarts con i quali sono cresciuto!
Es ist unglaublich schwierig, mit einem Spiel im Adventure-Stil sein Ziel zu erreichen. Es ist ein Genre, das heutzutage kaum noch gespielt wird, außer von Liebhabern des PC-Gamings der 90er Jahre (die mittlerweile in der Minderheit sind). Das Spiel macht jedoch keinen schlechten Eindruck.
A new competitor for @Mehrdad and his artworks! XD
watched yesterday on the home page, but I can not able to download the pc version. It redirects to google