Publikované 27/04/2018 Demo Shoot em Up Unity #Oldschool #Bullethell Space Shooter Jazyk: English Novinky 6 new UI sprites and reworked enemies Zobraziť viac Defend Earth against the evil Alien Invaders in this oldschool Bullethell Space Shooter! Zobraziť menej
Freank (Úroveň 19) 2018-05-01 Second place in the Leaderboard! So, my tips: yes. I agree with the previous comments, add sounds and music. Add also extra life, or other weapons dropped by the enimies. It can be very funny! Pomocník Formátovania Napíšete Uvidíte *Kurzíva* Kurzíva **Tučné** Tučné #Hashtagy #Hashtagy @Profil @Profil - Položka 1- Položka 2- Položka 3 - Položka 1- Položka 2- Položka 3 || Spoiler || Spoiler 380 Now Loading...
kalindor (Úroveň 14) 2018-05-01 add sound effects Pomocník Formátovania Napíšete Uvidíte *Kurzíva* Kurzíva **Tučné** Tučné #Hashtagy #Hashtagy @Profil @Profil - Položka 1- Položka 2- Položka 3 - Položka 1- Položka 2- Položka 3 || Spoiler || Spoiler 380 Now Loading...
Popsan Angel (Úroveň 14) 2018-04-27 nice. I like this retro style. But add also extra life, different weapons and a good sountrack in 8bit Pomocník Formátovania Napíšete Uvidíte *Kurzíva* Kurzíva **Tučné** Tučné #Hashtagy #Hashtagy @Profil @Profil - Položka 1- Položka 2- Položka 3 - Položka 1- Položka 2- Položka 3 || Spoiler || Spoiler 380 Now Loading...
Second place in the Leaderboard! So, my tips: yes. I agree with the previous comments, add sounds and music. Add also extra life, or other weapons dropped by the enimies. It can be very funny!
add sound effects
nice. I like this retro style. But add also extra life, different weapons and a good sountrack in 8bit