A cute little project made by 2 people in 3 months.
A retro styled 3D platformer that let's players come at challenges from whatever angle you want. Ashley Dengra is a 9nth grade artist with a sketchbook to doodle her "Original Characters" like Misa Ikko, the green-haired, feathery-eared fire sword girl with a great fluffy green tail.
- Soothing Original Soundtrack made by talented the Naoya Sakamata
- Beautiful Art
- Free Form 3D Platforming Action
- Blade Wave Sword Combat
- A climb from an underground beach below the planets core all the way to the sky!
Message from the Developer:
This game repurposes a lot of assets from my previous work. I just wanted to see if I could do it, and I am really happy with the result. Thought I might also step out of my comfort zone and try to make something wacky for a change. It's not a deep game, but I hope it's fun. I actually tried to ignore my years in art school to come up with zany designs and level themes that I feel a 9nth grader would think is cool (or at least, travel down memory lane to the kinds of designs I thought were cool when I was a 9nth grader). For maximum enjoyment, please take it at face value, thanks!
Big thank you to Naoya Sakamata for the Japanese Localization and OST!
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Played this one the Switch and I loved it! If you're a fan of 3D platformers you should try it!
Fun game, but I have mixed feelings about it.

I made a video on my playthrough which you can find here:
are there other kinds of enemies in the full version?
I like it, good work