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Kingdom of Pixels 2D MOBA

2912 Hráči -


pc web Linux osx HTML5 Stiahnuť Stiahnuť
PEGI Over 2500 downloads
Kingdom of Pixels is a 2D multiplayer side-scrolling MOBA and platformer game. It is similar to the style of other MOBAs like League of Legends and DOTA 2. The game's theme is pixel-like, bringing a nostalgic and simplistic feel to it.
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Kingdom of Pixels 2D MOBA
Kingdom of Pixels 2D MOBA
Kingdom of Pixels 2D MOBA
Kingdom of Pixels 2D MOBA
Kingdom of Pixels 2D MOBA
Komentárov 6
Pomocník Formátovania Pomocník Formátovania 380
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RealTidus (Úroveň 13) 2022-12-29
you are very close for 2000 players! Congratulations! Can you add more screenshots about the gameplay?
DiegoGramicciol Overené (Úroveň 18) 2022-06-16
Very funny game!
Decelo (Úroveň 11) 2022-06-11
I am watching this game always in home Page recently. You are on fire! I will try it today!
Yahoo (Úroveň 14) 2022-05-23
Still an alpha version. It needs a lot of new details and features. I want to follow it!
Gesan (Úroveň 12) 2022-05-15
You should add more different characters. The game is fast to play and very good
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